Please take up to 20 photos prior to completing this form. It will be faster. Photograph all angles and include close-ups of details, blemishes and nameplates. Please include a photo showing the Manufacturer, and model numbers. Ensure photos are clear and not blurry. Shoot close enough to not include large amount of background scenery shelving and other products.

Who made this item?
Be specific as possible
Being clear and accurate about your item’s condition lets the buyer know whether they’re getting something new, used, or something in between. On the listing form, you can choose from one of several preset item condition options, which vary depending on the category you list your item in.
Please indicate how it has been stored in your care. I.e. On a warehouse shelf indoors in a temp controlled environment, or outdoors in the yard exposed to the elements.
It is ok if you don't know, We will research and develop a good selling price for you.